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屋号 松石博幸デザイン事務所

住所 福岡県古賀市


設立 2004年4月



●シンボルマークやロゴマークなどのCI / VI 制作





松石 博幸



1965年福岡県生まれ。1988年九州産業大学芸術学部デザイン学科を卒業後、デザイン会社勤務を経て、2004年松石博幸デザイン事務所を設立。ブランドマーク設計、パッケージ、広告のデザインなど主事業。 25年ほど前より毎年環境問題などをテーマにしたオリジナルのポスター作品を発表。Poster Stellars 2024(アメリカ)エコロジカル部門金賞受賞、Poster Stellars 2023(アメリカ)銀賞受賞、Graphis Poster Annual 2023(アメリカ)金賞受賞、Graphis Protest Posters 2(アメリカ)金賞受賞、Graphis Poster Annual 2022(アメリカ)銀賞受賞、Graphis Poster Annual 2021(アメリカ)金賞受賞、BIO16展(スロベニア)グループ出品・金賞とICOGRADA特別賞受賞、台湾国際グラフィックデザインアワード2015審査員特別賞、テヘラン国際ポスタービエンナーレ2位、中国国際ポスタービエンナーレ銀賞と銅賞、A' Design Award 2018-2019(イタリア) Iron賞受賞、Graphis Poster Annual(アメリカ)2016と2017 Merit Winners、日本タイポグラフィ年鑑05ベストワーク賞ほか…多くの国内外コンペで受賞。作品は世界の美術館やギャラリー31カ所にコレクションされている。また国際的な展覧会(ドイツ/デンマーク/ポーランド/ウクライナ/ロシア/アメリカ/イラン/中国/韓国/台湾、他)にも数多く招待出品されている。 特定非営利活動法人日本タイポグラフィ協会 会員。


Born in Fukuoka in 1965. Received his BA in Design, Faculty of Fine Arts at the Kyusyu Sangyo University in Fukuoka, Japan. He established his own design office, specializi
ng in designing brand logos, packages, advertisement, etc. He is a member of Japan Typography Association. For 16 years, he has been energetically engaging in highly original poster works on the theme of environmental issues. He won various major awards at many international competitions and his poster works are in the possession of 31 museums and galleries worldwide. Every year, many famous international art exhibitions ask him to provide his works and participate in the exhibitions.

Awards received:

Won a Gold Award at Poster Stellars 2024.

Won a Silver Award at Poster Stellars 2023.

Won a Silver Award at Graphis Poster Awards 2024.

Won a Gold Award at Graphis Poster Annual 2023.

Won a Silver Award at Graphis Packaging 10.

Won a Gold Award at Graphis Protest Posters 2.

Won a Silver Award at Graphis Poster Annual 2022.

Won a Gold Award at Graphis Poster Annual 2021.

Won a Iron Award at A' Design Award 2018-2019.

BIO16 awards The Golden Medal and ICOGRADA Excellence Award to "BIO 16" 16th Biennale of Industrial Design in 1998.

Won a Merit Winners at Graphis Poster Annual 2016 & 2017.

Won a Judges' Special Award at Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2015.

Won a Silver Award at The 5th China International Poster Biennial 2011.

Won a Second Prize at The 10th Tehran International Poster Biennial 2009.

Won a Bronze Award at The 3rd China International Poster Biennial 2007.

Won a 2005 Applied Typography, Mark and Symbol Category-Best Work Award. and more.

松石 樹泉


1977年福岡県福岡市生まれ。6歳から書道を始め、高校〜大学と書道を専攻。福岡市内の百貨店に筆耕として勤務する傍ら、書道教室を運営・書道のイベント・ペン字講座などを開催する。2016年3月、百貨店を退社。現在、松石博幸デザイン事務所に所属しながら書道講師・筆文字制作など書活動を続けている。西日本書美術協会 委嘱作家、西日本新聞書道会 成家、文部省認定硬筆書写検定1級。




Born in Fukuoka City in 1977, started learning calligraphy when she was 6 years old, and majored in it throughout high school and college. While working at a department store in Fukuoka City as a calligrapher, she also runs calligraphy classes, organizes calligraphy events, and holds pen calligraphy seminars. He left the department store in March 2016. Currently, she continues her calligraphy activities as a calligraphy instructor and Calligraphy Logo Creation while working at the Hiroyuki Matsuishi Design Office.

Western Japan Calligraphic Art Association“Commissioned Calligrapher”  

Nishinippon Shinbun Incorporated foundation  “Seika= ‘highest master’ ” 

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Approval of Handwriting Inspection Level 1


Award received:

Second Grand Prize at the 45th Western Japan Calligraphic Art Exhibition

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